sound artwork with animation
Endless Cry
A sound work with looped animation "Endless Cry" immerses the viewer in the emotional turbulence of the first three months of a newborn's life. The work alternates between the sounds of infants crying and white noise. And at first the cry is longer and the quiet sounds are smaller, then they are equal in duration and then vice versa. However, it seems otherwise because the longer the infant crying occurs, the longer it is felt by the person. The black and white montage of the babies' faces transforms with sound: during crying, the faces distort, during soothing sounds they freeze and look with tenderness.
The alternating cycles of anguish and calm are compressed and expanded in duration, reinforcing the listener's perception of crying as endless and overwhelming. This work reflects the feelings of helplessness and fatigue that parents experience, capturing the paradox of the elasticity of time in these early months.

This artwork is the part of my big project "Fragile Beginnings". All project here

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